Table 2.
Features of MDM-TASK-web and other servers used to analyse static and dynamic protein structures.
Functionality | MDM-TASK-web | NAPS | ANCA | RIP-MD | MDN |
Input file formats | Tools processing trajectories require a topology and a trajectory, both in multiple formats. PRS uses PDB files as conformations. | PDB topology and DCD trajectory file. | Single PDB files. | PDB or PSF formats. Trajectories are loaded as a multi-PDB file. | All files used by GROMACS to analyse a trajectory are needed for analyses. |
Residue interaction network (RIN) from MD | Dynamic residue networks analysis via averaged network centralities from RINs. | Networks are aggregated to one from an MD simulation. | – | RIN for each frame | Network coupling, betweenness |
Residue interaction network from a single structure | RIN is calculated for a single protein structure. | RIN is calculated for single protein structure. | Amino acid network (AAN) for single structure. | RIN is calculated for single protein structure. | Single network is calculated from interaction energies from MD. |
Network metrics | Averaged network centrality metrics for betweenness, degree, eccentricity, averaged shortest paths, closeness, Katz, PageRank and eigencentrality. Same metrics are available for single conformations. |
Degree, closeness, betweenness, clustering coefficient, eccentricity, shortest paths, k-cliques, eigenspectra. | Degree, closeness, betweenness, clustering coefficient, average shortest path, edge betweenness. | – | Non-normalized and normalised node betweenness. |
Network node types | Cβ and glycine Cα atoms. | Cβ and glycine Cα atoms, amino acids. | Cα atoms. | Cα atoms, residues. | Amino acids. |
Network edge types | Any node < 6.7Ang to any other node. | DCC, energy, inverse distance. | Contact energy, Cα cut-off distance. | Cα contacts, H-bonds, salt-bridges, disulfide bonds, cation-π, π–π, Arg–Arg distance, Coulombic, and Lennard Jones. | Averaged inter-residue interaction energy. |
Weighted residue contact network and heat map | Weighted contacts at a single locus. Contact heat map also aggregates residue contacts from multiple simulations for large-scale comparisons of single loci. | 2D dot matrix. | Implements a node-weighted amino acid contact energy network, and an edge-weighted amino acid contact energy network. | – | The edge weights for the network are derived from the energy involved in residue interactions. |
Dynamic Cross Correlation | Normalised residue covariance matrix. Supports nucleic acids. | Normalised residue covariance matrix. | – | Pearson correlations of interactions | – |
Perturbation Response Scanning | Scanning of hotspot residues leading to a target conformational change. | – | – | – | – |
Essential dynamics (ED) | Several algorithms for visually assessing conformational distributions from MD simulations: t-SNE, internal PCA, comparative ED, multidimensional scaling. |
– | – | – | – |
Normal Mode Analysis (NMA) | Elastic network model to extract global motions and compute MSF from a single PDB-formatted file. NMA is also computed from MD trajectories. |
– | – | – | – |
Coordination propensity | Identifies residue pairs whose distance vary the most. | – | – | – | – |