Figure 5.
Vaccination with C. neoformans (Cn) Δsgl1 requires either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells for complete protection against lethal WT challenge. CBA/J mice (n=10 mice/group) were depleted of specific cell types 48 hours prior to intranasal immunization with 5x105 Cn Δsgl1 or PBS for unvaccinated controls, and depletions continued for the entirety of the experiment at set intervals. Mice were challenged with 5x105 WT strain 30 days post immunization and assessed for survival until day 75 post challenge. Mice administered PBS (unvaccinated controls) are denoted in black and Cn Δsgl1 denoted in white. Significance was determnined by the Mantel-Cox log-rank test. Significance is denoted as ****P < 0.001.