Two-level community structure inferred from 4,739 Estonian Biobank individuals born before 1940, Finns of the 1000 GP, and 14 ancient Estonians
Unsupervised community extraction method (Louvain method17) was applied on 5 cM LSAI-sharing signals estimated with IBIS. Four communities with more than ten members (A, B, F, and I) are detected at the first level of extraction. One of the communities, I, which is most widespread in North and West Estonia, was further divided into six significant sub-communities (I1, I3, I4, I7, I9, and I11), which have more specific regional distributions. One of these, I7 is more common in Northeast Estonia where it has six major sub-communities (Table S15). The I7 community also captures all 99 Finns of the 1000 GP. Pie charts on the map show the sub-community membership proportions in 15 Estonian counties, the FIN subset of the 1000 GP data (without regional detail of administrative units within Finland), and 14 ancient genomes from Estonia.