Fig. 4.
Exome analysis. A Number of SNVs called in bulk-cell sequencing. B Comparison of VAFs of SNVs called in bulk-cell sequencing at successive time points. One point indicates one SNV; n represents the number of points. C MDS plot based on single-cell exome sequencing. “No SNVs” and “All SNVs” represent sequences with no SNVs and with SNVs at all sites, respectively, which were artificially generated as a reference. Error bars represent the standard deviation for each dimension calculated with a bootstrapping approach that took into account ADO rates. n = 21, 23, and 23 cells for T1 SC, T2 SC, and T3 SC, respectively. D Median Euclidean distance from the centroid over cells in the MDS space. The black and red bars represent the observed value and 95% confidence interval calculated with the bootstrapping approach. *: P < 0.05 (bootstrapping test). n represents the number of cells