Figure 1: LARGE-PD ancestry.
A: Mean ancestry proportions by LARGE-PD site. We estimated ancestry proportions using ADMIXTURE and a K of 5 in a joint dataset that included LARGE-PD and 1000 Genomes Project samples. Using 1000 Genomes super-population codes to infer the ancestry underlying each cluster, C1 represents East Asian, C2 represents South Asian, C3 represents Native American, C4 represents African, and C5 represents European ancestry B: PCA plot of LARGE-PD subjects. We conducted a principal components analysis using PC-AiR in the merged 1000 Genomes-LARGE-PD dataset. Note the preponderance of individuals with high Amerindian and European ancestries. Principal components were calculated using the PC-AiR algorithm from the GENESIS package in R.