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. 2021 Aug 26;14(3):408–411. doi: 10.4103/apc.apc_96_21

Table 1.

Various electrophysiologic changes in children suffering from pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Study ECG changes (number of patients) Recovery to normal (yes/no) Pacemaker requirement (yes/no)
Valverde et al.[7] Abnormal ST or T wave segment (63) Yes No
Prolonged PR interval (18) Yes No
Bundle branch block (11) Yes No
Prolonged QT interval (9) Yes No
AVB (6) Yes No
Tachyarrhythmias (5) Yes No
Abnormal Q waves (3) Yes No
Clark et al.[8] Complete atrioventricular block (1) Yes No
Transient second-degree AVB (1) Yes No
Sinus pause (1) Yes No
Ventricular tachycardia (2) Yes No
Idioventricular rhythm (1) Yes No
Dionne et al.[9] First-degree AVB (1) Yes No
Mobitz Type I (2) Yes No
Mobitz Type II in (1) Yes No
Third-degree AVB (1) Yes No
QTc prolongation (7) Yes No
Nonspecific ST-segment changes (14) Yes No
Atrial ectopy (2) Yes No
Sustained ectopic atrial tachycardia (1) Yes No
Choi et al.[10] First-degree AVB (6) Yes No
Prolonged QTc interval (4) Yes No
Ectopic atrial rhythm (1) Yes No
ST elevation or depression (3) Yes No
T wave inversions (5) Yes No
Nonspecific ST and/or T wave abnormalities (14) Yes No
Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay or right ventricular conduction delay (5) Yes No
Right axis deviation (5) Yes No
Intermittent premature ventricular complexes (1) Yes No
Domico et al.[11] Second-degree Type II heart block (1) Yes Yes (temporary pacing was removed on D-6)

AVB: Atrioventricular block, ECG: Electrocardiogram