A, Experimental setup, an illustration of the workspace. EMG was recorded from PEC and DELT. B, Illustration of a successful reaching trial. Participants were instructed to wait for the go signal and then to reach the goal within 0.6–0.8 s of the go signal. Visual feedback about movement timing was provided to encourage participants to adjust their movement speed, but all trials were included in the analyses. Reaching trials were with or without FF perturbation. During perturbation trials, a velocity-dependent FF was applied in either a CW (red arrows) or CCW (blue arrows) direction. C, Experimental design. Participants completed 415 trials in a session. FF was turned off during baseline and washout blocks and turned on during adaptation and readaptation blocks. The first group of participants experienced only CCW (blue timeline, n = 8) and the second group only CW FFs (red timeline, n = 8). Perturbations were introduced without prior warning.