A, Normalized EMG activity in pectoralis major muscle during CW perturbation (group 2). Each red EMG trace corresponds to the first trial in adaptation (Ad; dark red) and readaptation (Re; dotted red) blocks across all subjects. The mean baseline EMG activity (reach trials without FF in baseline block) is in magenta. Traces are aligned on reach onset (t = 0, vertical brown line). The dotted gray rectangular box represents 100-ms window before reach onset. B, Normalized EMG activity in DELT muscle during CCW perturbation (group 1) in Ad (dark blue) and Re (dotted blue) blocks averaged across all subjects. The mean baseline EMG activity (reach trials without FF in baseline block) is in green. Note that A, B are representative graphs to show the temporal evolution of EMG and similar graphs for G2 CW DELT and G1 CCW PEC are not shown for simplicity. C, Mean EMG activity during the 100-ms window (−100–0) before reach onset for muscles PEC and DELT during baseline (Ba), Ad, and Re blocks in both groups G1 and G2. Each dot represents the first trial in the corresponding block. The black asterisks (*) denote the mean across all participants (i.e., both CW and CCW groups). For both muscles, the mean EMG activity before reach onset is similar in all the blocks, which nullifies any possibility of coactivation strategy during the reaching movements of the readaptation block.