Figure 4.
Injection rate has significant effect on hearing in adult mouse inner ear. (a) Adult mice that received 1 µl gene delivery within 30 s had significant ABR threshold elevation at all frequencies tested in comparison with non-injection control mice (p < 0.05, one-way ANOVA). (b) Substantial IHC and OHC losses were observed throughout the cochlear turns in mice that received 1 µl gene delivery within 30 s. (c) Confocal images of the basal turn of the cochlea in a non-surgery control mouse (labeled “control”) and a mouse that underwent 1 µl gene delivery within 30 s (labeled “1 µl gene delivery in 30 s”). The cochlear specimen from the animal that underwent 1 µl gene delivery within 30 s had complete loss of IHCs and OHCs. (d) Adult mice that underwent 20 injections of 46 nl per injection every 10 s exhibited significant ABR threshold elevation, whereas mice that received 72 injections of 13.8 nl per injection every 10 s, and 36 injections of 27.6 nl per injection every 10 s did not, compared with non-surgery control mice (one-way ANOVA). Data are represented as mean ± SEM. n represents the number of animals tested. Scale bar represents 20 μm. Statistical significance between groups is shown above error bars (*represents p < 0.05, **represents p < 0.01, ***represents p < 0.001, ****represents p < 0.0001).