Fig. 1. Basic characterization of the multiterminal Corbino device.
a Optical microscope image of the multiterminal Corbino device with labeled ohmic contacts on the inner edge (1–4), on the outer edge (A–D), as well as a top gate. The smaller image in (b) shows a photograph of a mechanically bonded device. b A base temperature two-terminal conductance gate sweep measurement between contacts A and 1 (between the two edges). c A thermal activation of the bulk resistivity, with the red line representing an Arrhenius fit with an activation energy of 1.11 K. The upper and lower value for the error bars are determined by one standard deviation on the signal measured at the reference resistor. At 25 and 55 mK the upper value is not determined as the standard deviation exceeds the mean value of the signal (schematically indicated by the blue arrows). d Four-terminal measurements on the outer edge, at base temperature, showing perfect dissipationless chiral edge channel transport. e External magnetic field hysteresis loop of VB-D/IA-C for temperatures ranging from 25 mK to 25 K. f Longitudinal resistivity measurements collected from an ordinary Hall bar device (with width of 200 μm and aspect ratio 3:1), patterned from the same MBE layer as the Corbino device.