A Weight as continuous outcome. BMI body-mass-index, k number of studies, kg kilogram, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SGA second-generation antipsychotic. For continuous outcomes, SMD > 0 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events. B Lipid levels. k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SGA second-generation antipsychotic. C Glucose, insulin and inulin resistance levels. FGA first-generation antipsychotic, k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SGA second-generation antipsychotic. For continuous outcomes, SMD > 0 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events. D Weight as dichotomous outcome. FGA first-generation antipsychotic, k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SGA second-generation antipsychotic. For dichotomous outcomes, RR > 1 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events/dropouts). E Extrapyramidal symptoms as measured by scales. k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SAS Simpson–Angus Scale, SGA second-generation antipsychotic, TD tardive dyskinesia. For continuous outcomes, SMD > 0 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events. F Extrapyramidal symptoms as dichotomous outcome. EPS extrapyramidal symptoms, FGA first-generation antipsychotic, k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SGA second-generation antipsychotic. For dichotomous outcomes, RR > 1 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events/dropouts). G (Anti-)cholinergic symptoms. FGA first-generation antipsychotic, k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SGA second-generation antipsychotic. For dichotomous outcomes, RR > 1 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events/dropouts). H Sedation and dizziness. FGA first-generation antipsychotic, k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SGA second-generation antipsychotic. For dichotomous outcomes, RR > 1 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events/dropouts). I Other CNS symptoms (insomnia, headache, seizures, anxiety). FGA first-generation antipsychotic, k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, SGA second-generation antipsychotic. For dichotomous outcomes, RR > 1 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events/dropouts). J WBC abnormalities. FGA first-generation antipsychotic, k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term, WBC white blood count. For dichotomous outcomes, RR > 1 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events/dropouts). K Any adverse event and dropouts due to adverse events. FGA first-generation antipsychotic,
k number of studies, L long-term, M medium-term, n number of participants, RCT randomized-controlled trial, S short-term. For dichotomous outcomes, RR > 1 means a beneficial outcome for clozapine (e.g. more response or less adverse events/dropouts).