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. 2021 Sep 9;12:659250. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.659250

Table 3.

Clusters of fractional anisotropy reductions in all patients with TS relative to HCs.

Region MNI coordinates SDM p-value No. voxels Cluster breakdown
x, y, z Z-value uncorrected (voxels)
Corpus callosum −10, −24, 26 −1.573 <0.001 114 Corpus callosum (114)
Right inferior network, inferior longitudinal fasciculus 40, −76, −2 −1.594 <0.001 27 Right inferior longitudinal fasciculus (19);
right middle occipital gyrus, BA 19 (6);
right inferior occipital gyrus, BA 19 (1)
(undefined), BA 19 (1)

TS, Tourette syndrome; HCs, healthy controls; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; SDM, signed differential mapping; No., number; BA, Brodmann area.