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. 2021 Sep 20;62(12):17. doi: 10.1167/iovs.62.12.17

Table 1.

VEGF/Anti-VEGF Alters the Expression of Many Members of the Wnt Pathway

Group Statistically Significant Difference No Statistically Significant Difference
Group 1: altered by VEGF; reversed by anti-VEGF Control vs. VEGF VEGF vs. anti-VEGF
Group 2: altered by VEGF; Not reversed by anti-VEGF Control vs. VEGF VEGF vs. anti-VEGF Control vs. anti-VEGF
Groups 3: altered by VEGF; altered by anti-VEGF in the same direction as VEGF Control vs. VEGF VEGF vs. anti-VEGF
Group 4: not altered by VEGF; altered by anti-VEGF Control vs. anti-VEGF Control vs. VEGF
The table indicates the types of comparisons that were the basis for the four groups.
Group 1 : Altered by VEGF; R eversed by A nti-VEGF
Gene Name VEGF R esponse Anti-VEGF R esponse
DKK1 ↓ (P = 0.000) ↑ (P = 0.000)
DKK2 ↑ (P = 0.000) ↓ (P = 0.000)
DKK3 ↑ (P = 0.038) ↓ (P = 0.020)
FZD1 ↑ (P = 0.000) ↓ (P = 0.004)
FZD8 ↓ (P = 0.008) ↑ (P = 0.000)
LRP5 ↑ (P = 0.014) ↓ (P = 0.017)
PSEN2 ↑ (P = 0.000) ↓ (P = 0.000)
CACYBP ↓ (P = 0.045) ↑ (P = 0.033)
CTNNB1 ↑ (P = 0.000) ↓ (P = 0.000)
JUN ↓ (P = 0.000) ↑ (P = 0.004)
FOSL1 ↓ (P = 0.000) ↑ (P = 0.007)
CCND2 ↑ (P = 0.000) ↓ (P = 0.001)
Group 2 : Altered by VEGF; N ot R eversed by A nti-VEGF
WNT10B ↓ (P = 0.005)
WNT2B ↑ (P = 0.043)
SFRP1 ↓ (P = 0.011)
FZD6 ↑ (P = 0.002)
CSNK1G2 ↓ (P = 0.034)
CSNK2A1 ↓ (P = 0.003)
DVL1 ↓ (P = 0.001)
AXIN1 ↓ (P = 0.015)
AXIN2 ↑ (P = 0.022)
PRKACA ↓ (P = 0.023)
PTPA ↓ (P = 0.005)
SKP1 ↑ (P = 0.000)
TBL1X ↓ (P = 0.000)
CTNNBIP1 ↑ (P = 0.031)
RBX1 ↑ (P = 0.000)
RUVBL1 ↓ (P = 0.002)
SMAD3 ↓ (P = 0.000)
CITED2 ↑ (P = 0.028)
TCF3 ↓ (P = 0.003)
TCF7 ↓ (P = 0.016)
TCF20 ↓ (P = 0.020)
TLE3 ↓ (P = 0.013)
MYC ↓ (P = 0.001)
Group 3 : Altered by VEGF; A ltered by A nti-VEGF in the S ame D irection as VEGF
CREBBP ↓ (P = 0.029) ↓ (P = 0.042)
CCND1 ↓ (P = 0.000) ↓ (P = 0.000)
TCF4 ↑ (P = 0.002) ↑ (P = 0.030)
Group 4 : N ot A ltered by VEGF; A ltered by A nti-VEGF
TLE2 ↑ (P = 0.000)
FZD2 ↓ (P = 0.042)
FZD4 ↓ (P = 0.000)
FZD5 ↓ (P = 0.013)
LRP6 ↓ (P = 0.011)

Our previous RNAseq results showed that VEGF (1 nM) significantly altered (P < 0.05) expression of 4372 genes, and anti-VEGF (aflibercept, 500 nM) overcame the effect of VEGF for 279 of these genes in HG HRECs.7 Table 1 shows the subset of the data, which are members of Wnt pathway. The changes in expression between experimental groups is the basis for inclusion in a specific group.