The six variables of interest, including three predictors and three outputs, their primary methods of measurement, and the number of data points used to estimate each variable’s PDF.
Variable type | Variable name | Primary measure(s) | Number of data points | Marginal computation method |
Predictor | Stress | Cortisol, alpha amylase, heart rate, and subjective responses | 2,066 | Mixture modeling + Maximum likelihood |
Sleep | Hours duration | 204,403 | Kernel density estimate | |
Physical exertion | Borg ratings of perceived exertion | 4,560 | Kernel density estimate | |
Outcome | Reaction time | Milliseconds latency | 20,973 | Kernel density estimate |
Executive function | Proportion errors | 5,691 | Kernel density estimate | |
Perceptuo-motor control | Proportion errors | 8,265 | Kernel density estimate |