Fig. 5.
Discriminating abilities of individual OxSt metrics. (a) Five OxSt metrics including one optical metric (Abs) and four electrochemical metrics (Q.OX, Q.RED, Q.CV1 and Q.CV3) consistently show the higher oxidative stress for the SCZ group vs HC group at baseline and post-TSST. Three metrics shows the statistically significant difference between the two groups (*; p<0.05, Q.OX at baseline, post-TSST, Q.CV1 at baseline). (b) Five OxSt metrics for the combined group show consistently increasing OxSt for post-TSST vs baseline. One metric (Q.OX) shows the statistically significant difference between baseline and post-TSST (*; p<0.05). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)