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. 2021 Sep 21;92:189–193. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2021.09.006

Table 1.

Fixed effects estimates from multilevel models predicting state rumination from pre/post school closure, CDI total symptoms, and their interaction.

Fixed effects Focusing on Emotions
Focusing on Problems
Est. SE 95% CI Est. SE 95% CI
Main Effects
Intercept (γ00) 43.77** 7.59 28.90, 58.64 48.48** 11.51 25.92, 71.05
CDI Total Symptoms (γ01) 0.17 0.47 −0.78, 1.12 0.83 0.45 −0.04, 1.71
Condition (γ02) 1.83 8.66 −15.14, 18.80 −6.44 7.03 −20.21, 7.34
Number of Diaries (γ03) −0.07 0.07 −0.22, 0.07 −0.03 0.07 −0.16, 0.09
Race (γ04) −17.66* 7.75 −32.85, −4.90
Pre/Post School Closure (γ10) −8.84* 4.12 −16.93,
14.30 11.81 −8.85, 37.44
Time of Day (γ20) 0.18* 0.09 0.00, 0.36 −0.09 0.14 −0.37, 0.19
Moderated Effects
Intercept (γ00) 44.21** 7.25 30.00, 58.41 72.24** 11.78 49.15, 95.33
CDI Total Symptoms (γ01) 0.18 0.48 −0.77, 1.12 1.05* 0.46 0.14, 1.96
Condition (γ02) 1.91 8.67 −15.08, 18.90 −5.33 7.35 −19.73, 9.07
Number of Diaries (γ03) −0.08 0.07 −0.22, 0.06 −0.07 0.05 −0.18, 0.03
Race (γ04) −27.86** 10.32 −48.08, −7.64
Pre/Post School Closure (γ10) −5.99** 1.89 −9.69, −2.29 −5.79* 2.74 −11.16,
Pre/Post School Closure X CDI Total Symptoms (γ11) 0.67* 0.27 0.14, 1.20 −0.23 0.41 −1.03, 0.57
Time of Day (γ20) 0.18* 0.90 0.01, 0.36 −0.09 0.14 −0.37, 0.18

Note. 2312 diary entries nested within 22 individuals. Est. = partial regression coefficient estimate (unstandardized); SE = robust standard error. Focusing on Emotions = how much participants were focusing on their emotions on a scale of 0 (“not at all”) to 100 (“extremely”); Focusing on Problems = how much participants were focusing on their problems on a scale of 0 (“not at all”) to 100 (“extremely”); Pre/Post School Closure: 0 = pre-school closure, 1 = post-school closure; Condition: 0 = EMA only, 1 = EMA + Mindfulness; Number of Diaries = total number of diary entries for each participant; Race: 0 = Non-White, 1 = White. Time of Day = time (24-h clock) of diary. *p < .05, **p < .01.