Next‐generation microfluidic cell sorting strategies. A‐C, Microfluidic cell sorting strategies that utilize deterministic lateral displacement (A, adapted from McGrath et al,69 streamlines obtained via CFD simulation), hydrodynamic focusing (B, adapted from Di Carlo et al70) and cellular compression with lateral deflection (C). For DLD cells start in a given streamline. If the cell is larger than a critical size, they are displaced laterally into a new streamline due to interaction with the posts (P). For hydrodynamic focusing the balance between a wall interaction force, a shear gradient lift force and stokes drag dictate the presence of equilibrium positions for cells suspended in a liquid. Over time, cells will tend to occupy equilibrium positions within the channel, resulting in size based focusing. For cellular compression with lateral deflection, the sorting platform consists of a series of diagonal constrictions designed to deflect cells laterally relative to the main direction of flow in a manner related to their size and mechanical properties