Genetic organization of the Enterococcus faecalis type II fatty acid synthesis (FASII) pathway and impact of exogenous fatty acids (FAs) on E. faecalis FASII gene expression. (A) Schematic representation of E. faecalis VE14089 FASII pathway genes. Gene positions with names below are represented with open arrows. Two genes in the locus, pyrD-1 (ef0285), and ef2874, are unrelated to FASII. Above, asterisks indicate putative FabT binding sites; below, solid arrows indicate transcripts predicted by PCRs, and dotted arrows indicate transcripts identified by predicted FabT binding sequence and expression levels. (B) Agarose gel of the real-time PCR (RT-PCR) amplification products on cDNA using primer pairs from neighboring genes. The order is the same as that in panel A. Lane 1, fabI-fabO; 2, fabO-fabN; 3, fabN-ef0285; 4, fabT-fabH; 5, fabH-acpP; 6, acpP-fabK; 7, fabK-fabD; 8, fabD-fabGa; 9, fabGa-fabF; 10, fabF-accB; 11, accB-fabZ; 12, fabZ-accC; 13, accC-accD; 14, accD-accA; and 15, accA-ef2874. MW, molecular weight standard. (C) FASII gene expression fold change in E. faecalis grown in RPMI+ medium in the absence or the presence of 40% human serum. The means ± standard deviation (SD) from three independent experiments are represented.