True positive rate (Recall/Sensitivity): It implies how the caries lesion is accurately detected when it is present there. |
Sensitivity is expressed as
True negative rate (Specificity): That is the amount of negative caries lesion examination when there's no affected lesion. |
Specificity is measured as
Dice Coefficient: This metric measures between two samples. |
It is defined as , where |A| and |B| are the number of elements in the sample. |
Accuracy: It can be defined as the percentage of correctly classified instances. |
It is calculated as . |
Precision: It explains the pureness of our positive detections efficiently compared to the ground truth. |
It is the positive predictive value defined as
F-Score: The F-score is a process of combining the model's precision and recall and the harmonic mean of the model's precision and recall. |
It is expressed as