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. 2021 Aug 28;69(5):754–761. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.07.017

Table 4.

COVID-19-related experiences and sociodemographic and relationship characteristics associated with changes in relationship quality, among adolescent girls and young women aged 15–24 in three Kenyan counties, 2020

Worsening versus no change
Mixed versus no change
Improvement versus no change
RRR 95% CI RRR 95% CI RRR 95% CI
Sociodemographic characteristics
 Nairobi Reference Reference Reference
 Kilifi .66 .35 1.24 .57 .31 1.03 .25 .13 .50
 Kisumu 1.22 .73 2.06 1.33 .80 2.19 .86 .51 1.44
 15–19 Reference Reference Reference
 20–24 1.21 .40 3.61 .82 .25 3.08 1.54 .60 3.97
 Attending school before COVID-19
 No Reference
 Yes .69 .41 1.17 .87 .53 1.42 .95 .56 1.60
 Household wealth
 Low Reference Reference Reference
 Medium 1.24 .77 1.99 1.32 .83 2.11 .93 .56 1.53
 High .46 .23 .93 .71 .38 1.31 .97 .54 1.75
COVID-19-related experiences
 Household income loss
 None Reference Reference Reference
 Partial 2.02 1.13 3.61 1.59 .91 2.73 1.22 .711 2.13
 Complete 2.43 1.30 4.54 2.22 1.24 3.98 1.46 .80 2.68
 Food insecurity during COVID-19
 None Reference Reference Reference
 Chronic stable 1.95 .68 5.58 1.93 .70 5.34 1.45 .53 3.99
 Increased since COVID-19 1.01 .60 1.70 .80 .49 1.31 .58 .35 .95
Relationship characteristics
 Change in time spent with partner
 No change Reference Reference Reference
 More time 2.32 .61 8.87 8.63 2.54 29.40 2.85 .86 9.49
 Less time 4.94 1.96 12.44 8.43 3.22 22.10 3.88 1.73 8.71
 Relationship type
 Married Reference Reference Reference
 Serious .40 .19 .84 .92 .42 2.03 1.16 .54 2.47
 Casual/other .50 .22 1.13 .87 .37 2.04 .69 .29 1.66
 Recency of last interaction with partner
 Within past 2 weeksa Reference Reference Reference
 Three or more weeks past 1.20 .72 1.99 1.37 .85 2.21 .88 .53 1.46
Test of interaction
 Interaction: age × change in time spent with partner
 Aged 20–24 × more time .72 .14 3.71 .33 .06 1.81 .69 .15 3.11
 Aged 20–24 × less time .77 .23 2.54 1.04 .27 4.00 .29 .09 .87

Worsening includes less emotions and more tensions. Mixed changes include less emotions and less tensions or more emotions and more tensions. Improvement includes more emotions and less tensions.

Bolded values indicate statistical significance at p < .05.

CI = confidence interval; RRR = relative risk ratio.


Within past two weeks includes participants cohabitating with their partners.