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. 2021 Aug 30;119:102477. doi: 10.1016/j.jimonfin.2021.102477

Table B.1.

Estimates of Threshold Coefficient φ, Threshold Parameter γ, and AR(1) Coefficients in Threshold-augmented AR Specifications, 1990Q1–2019Q4.

(a) Advanced economies:p^ = 3.33% andγ^adv  = 0.156
φ^ t-ratio ρ^ t-ratio R2 σ^2
Australia −0.0064 −2.18 0.08 0.92 3.3% 0.0058
Austria −0.0222 −4.93 −0.21 −2.39 16.1% 0.0081
Belgium −0.0128 −3.72 0.05 0.58 12.2% 0.0063
Canada −0.0101 −3.88 0.48 6.37 38.9% 0.0049
Finland −0.0225 −3.28 0.12 1.26 11.8% 0.0125
France −0.0086 −3.49 0.29 3.22 25.6% 0.0042
Germany −0.0195 −4.69 0.00 0.04 18.1% 0.0073
Italy −0.0129 −3.65 0.15 1.54 17.9% 0.0061
Japan −0.0133 −2.56 0.13 1.35 9.1% 0.0092
Korea −0.0110 −1.56 0.23 2.50 7.3% 0.0134
Netherlands −0.0136 −5.01 0.34 4.37 37.0% 0.0049
Norway −0.0131 −2.23 −0.29 −3.24 8.8% 0.0114
New Zealand −0.0003 −0.08 0.33 3.69 9.2% 0.0069
Singapore −0.0121 −1.23 0.19 2.06 5.0% 0.0182
Spain −0.0048 −2.38 0.70 11.13 59.7% 0.0036
Sweden −0.0246 −4.29 −0.14 −1.51 12.3% 0.0102
Switzerland −0.0134 −3.49 0.08 0.89 11.3% 0.0071
United Kingdom −0.0084 −2.49 0.28 2.99 18.2% 0.0059
United States −0.0118 −4.19 0.24 2.65 26.9% 0.0049

MG (equally weighted) −0.0127 −9.02 0.16 3.01
MG (PPP-GDP weighted) −0.0121 −14.75 0.21 6.66

(b) Emerging economies:p^ = 5.83% andγ^eme  = 0.129

φ^ t-ratio ρ^ t-ratio R2 σ^2

Argentina −0.0089 −1.25 0.43 5.27 19.3% 0.0183
Brazil −0.0091 −1.41 0.04 0.38 0.2% 0.0165
Chile −0.0104 −1.83 0.11 1.13 3.2% 0.0142
China 0.0033 0.73 0.18 1.94 1.7% 0.0117
India −0.0056 −0.90 −0.22 −2.39 3.2% 0.0156
Indonesia −0.0060 −1.01 0.32 3.61 9.5% 0.0153
Malaysia −0.0112 −1.87 0.22 2.38 9.0% 0.0145
Mexico −0.0158 −3.01 0.16 1.80 10.9% 0.0129
Peru −0.0121 −1.35 0.21 2.35 4.3% 0.0231
Philippines −0.0042 −1.16 0.20 2.22 4.7% 0.0091
South Africa −0.0027 −1.28 0.60 8.08 37.7% 0.0053
Saudi Arabia −0.0027 −0.69 0.63 9.15 40.9% 0.0101
Thailand −0.0325 −3.74 −0.07 −0.83 9.3% 0.0220
Turkey −0.0275 −2.60 −0.08 −0.84 4.1% 0.0268

MG (equally weighted) −0.0104 −4.04 0.19 2.99
MG (PPP-GDP weighted) −0.0042 −1.15 0.12 1.63

Notes: Our threshold-augmented dynamic output growth model is given by Δgdpit=ci+ρiΔgdpit-1+φizt-1(γ)+eit, where Δgdpit is the first difference of the logarithm of real GDP in country i during quarter t and zt=I(grvet>γ).IA is an indicator variable that takes the value of unity if event A occurs and zero otherwise. grvet is a measure of global volatility defined by (1), and γ is the threshold parameter. The estimation sample is 1990Q1 to 2019Q4. Statistical significance is denoted by , and , at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively.