Figure 2.
Phenotypic characterization of transgenic N. benthamiana lines expressing the At-CycD2 gene. (A) Evaluation of plant height (PH), number of leaves (NL), leaf biomass (LB) and stem biomass (SB). Non-transgenic and T1 progeny of At-CycD2-6, At-CycD2-14, At-CycD2-15, and At-CycD2-25 transgenic plants were grown in greenhouse for 4weeks and assayed for the plant height, number of leaves and above ground biomass characteristics. The phenotypic parameters are expressed as a percent relative to the wild type. Values represent the means with standard deviation (n=45). Asterisks indicate significance as determined by the unpaired T-test, with ** and *** denoting p<0.01 and p<0.001, respectively. Not significant values are determined as ns. Non-transgenic and transgenic At-CycD2-15 plants grown in vitro (B) and in soil (C). At-CycD2-15 and wild type N. benthamiana seeds were germinated in vitro on selective (5mg/L PPT) and non-selective MS medium, respectively, and photographed at 12days after sowing. The soil-grown plants were photographed at 21days after planting.