Figure 4.
(A) AUC plots of the prediction model using Day 7 Ang2 and IL1R2 (alone and combined). Day 7 Ang2 alone has significant discrimination between ARDS survivor/non-survivor groups. (B) Mean concentration of Ang2 in Day 0 (baseline) and Day 7 between ARDS survivor/non-survivor groups showed the mean concentration of Ang2 decrease with time in the survivor group. * Mean concentration for death; ** Mean concentration for survivors. (C) Independent variable optimized cutoff and distribution by class (0 = alive, 1 = death); cutoff concentration of 12.1 ng/mL. (D) ROC curve, sensitivity and specificity using Day 7 Ang2 protein level to predict ARDS mortality which showed with the cutoff concentration of 12.1 ng/mL, the specificity for ARDS mortality is high at 0.89.