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. 2021 Sep 24;12(12):2865–2876. doi: 10.1007/s12671-021-01732-3

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies

Author, year Population (N) Age (range) Gender ratio (M:F) Pre-diagPTSDa Intervention Session number Control group PTSD Measure Self-compassion Measure
Au et al., 2017 Trauma-exposed adults (N = 10) (18–32) 1:8 (1 nonbinary) N A brief compassion-based therapy, 6 weeks 6 PCL-5 SCS
Evans et al., 2019 Veterans (N = 12) (31–69) 12:0 Y Cognitively-based compassion training (CBCT), 10 weeks 10 PCL
Grodin et al., 2019 Veterans (N = 22) 52.6 ± 12.9 21:0 Y Compassion-focused therapy (CFT), 12 weeks 12 PCL-5 SCS
Held & Owens, 2015 Homeless male veterans (N = 27) (33–64) 27:0 Y Self-compassion workbook training, 4 weeks 4 Stress inoculation PCL-S SCS
Held et al., 2018 Intensive outpatients (N = 19) (21–54) 13:6 Y Brief self-compassion training (BSCT), 4 weeks 4 PCL-5 SCS
Hwang & Chan, 2019 College students with racial stress (N = 10) n/a 2:7 (1 other) N Compassionate meditation program, 8 weeks 8 PCL-5 SCS
Kearney et al., 2013 Veterans (N = 42) n/a 25:17 Y Loving-kindness meditation course, 12 weeks 12 PSS-1 SCS
Lang et al., 2019 Veterans (N = 28) 49.1 ± 14.5 3:1 Y Cognitively based compassion training (CBCT), 10 weeks 10 Veteran.calm (VC) CAPS-5 SCS-SF
Lang et al., 2020 Veterans (N = 31) 43.9 ± 12.6 29:2 Y Cognitively based compassion training (CBCT), 10 weeks 10 PCL-5 SCS-SF
Lee et al., 2017 Survivors of interpersonal violence (N = 63) (22–56) 0:58 Y Breathing, loving-kindness, and compassion meditation, 6 weeks 6 Control condition MPSS
Mitchell et al., 2018 Post-partum mothers (N = 262) (18–44) 0:262 N Brief online self-compassion intervention, 4 weeks 4 IES-R SCS-SF
Valenstein-Mah et al., 2019 College students with problematic alcohol use (N = 75) 19.2 ± 1.3 23:52 N Group loving–kindness meditation, 4 weeks 4 Referral to treatment as usual (RTAU) PCL-5

Note. M, male; F, female; PCL-5, PTSD Checklist for DSM-5; PCL, PTSD Checklist; PCL-S, PTSD Checklist–Specific Stressor Version; PSS-1, PTSD Symptom Scale Interview; CAPS-5, Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5; MPSS, the Modified PTSD Symptom Scale; IES-R, The Impact of Events Scale-Revised; SCS, Self-Compassion Scale; SCS-SF, Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form

aY, participants in the study were previously diagnosed with PTSD; N, participants without a previous diagnosis of PTSD