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. 2021 Sep 23;9(18):e15029. doi: 10.14814/phy2.15029



Astrocytes contribute to the modulation of breathing in response to changes in pH and pCO2. (a) Anatomical organization of the brainstem circuits responsible for breathing. pFv: ventral parafacial nucleus, also known as RTN: retrotrapezoid nucleus. preBötC: preBötzinger complex. pF: parafacial nucleus. pFl: lateral parafacial nucleus. pFv: ventral parafacial nucleus. LRN: lateral reticular nucleus. NA: nucleus ambiguus. preBötC: preBötzinger complex. BötC: Bötzinger complex. rVRG: rostral ventral respiratory group. cVRG: caudal ventral respiratory group. (b) Ca2+ response of astrocytes in the pFv (RTN) to acidification. (c) Response of neurons from the pFv (RTN) and of phrenic nerve to the optogenetic activation of pFv (RTN) astrocytes. b and c are adapted from (Gourine et al., 2010), with permission. (d) Hypothetical mechanisms for the regulation of breathing by pFv (RTN) astrocytes. Astrocytes sense CO2 increase via CO2‐sensitive connexin (Cx) hemichannels which directly release ATP. Acidification activates the Na+/HCO3 co‐transport (NBC), which in turn activates the Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCX). The increase in intracellular Ca2+ leads to the Ca2+‐dependent vesicular release of ATP. ATP is likely to act on several downstream targets, including neighboring astrocytes, smooth muscle cells, and neurons