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. 2021 Jul 4;246(18):2039–2045. doi: 10.1177/15353702211024597

Table 3.

High touch environmental fomite samples.

Sample type Location
CDC assay

Spike assay
N1 (CT) N2 (CT) RP (CT) CT TM
Door handle Entry push button (Emergency Department) UD UD UD 38.2 72.5
Exit push button (Emergency Department) UD UD 39.0 36.9 76.1
Physician workroom (Emergency Department) UD UD 36.1 37.8 80.2
Locker room (Emergency Department) UD UD 37.3 37.1 74.6
Family consultation room (Emergency Department) UD UD UD 37.3 74.2
Resident workroom (Internal Medicine) UD UD UD 37.4 74.5
Nurses breakroom (Internal Medicine) UD UD 40.8 36.8 75.8
Library workroom (Internal Medicine) UD UD 37.8 36.0 75.2
Stairwell (Internal Medicine) UD UD 36.9 36.0 75.2
Hospital Medicine office (Hospital Medicine) UD UD 38.8 34.5 76.1
Other Respiratory Care Center workstation(Emergency Department)a UD UD 37.4 36.5 74.5
Nursing workstation (Internal Medicine)a UD UD 39.4 38.5 74.2
SARS- CoV-2 104 copies 23.4 25.2 23.4 79.6
103 copies 28.9 32.9 28.9 79.6
102 copies 32.8 36.9 33.7 79.1

aIndicates samples collected from mouse and keyboards at shared workstations.

N1 and N2: CDC 2019-nCoV primer and probe mixes that target two viral nucleocapsid (N) genes for specific detection of SARS-CoV-2.

RP: primer and probe set that targets human RNase P gene; CT: cycle threshold; Tm: melting temperature;

UD: undetermined.