A summary of the results of the lab tests on the toxicities of PAHs is organized here, sorted by contaminant.
Species | Contaminant (medium) | Biomarker | Effect | References |
M. gigas | Ant, Chr, IcdP, Phe (cyclohexane) | Immune response | Decreased hemocyte mortality | Bado-Nilles et al., 2008 |
C. virginica | BaP, Naph, Pyr (contaminated diatoms) | Immune response | Elevated agranular hemocyte numbers, Reduction in granular hemocytes, Decreased hemocyte mortality | Croxton et al., 2012 |
M. gigas | BbF (cyclohexane) | Immune response | Increased phenoloxidase activity | Bado-Nilles et al., 2008 |
M. gigas | DBahA (cyclohexane) | Immune response | Increased lysosomal presence | Bado-Nilles et al., 2008 |
C. tulipa | Flu (DMSO) | Detoxification response | Increase in CYP2AU1 transcripts only, no change in other CYP and GST transcripts in gills | Zacchi et al., 2019 |
M. gigas | Flu (DMSO) | Detoxification response, Histology | Increased CYP2AU2, GST, SULT transcripts in gills, No change in EROD, GST, MGST activity Elevated numbers of mucous cells in mantle | dos Reis et al., 2020 |
M. gigas | Naph (cyclohexane) | Immune response | Increased% non-specific esterase cells | Bado-Nilles et al., 2008 |
C. brasiliana | Phe (DMSO) | Detoxification response, Histology | CYP2AU1 levels increased in gills, mantle, digestive tract, Elevated numbers of mucous cells in mantle, Digestive tubular atrophy/thinning, | dos Reis et al., 2015 |
C. brasiliana | Phe (DMSO) | Detoxification response, Antioxidant response | Limited increase in CYP, SULT transcripts, no change in GST transcripts, No change in CAT, SOD transcripts | Zacchi et al., 2017 |
C. brasiliana | Phe (DMSO) | Stress response, Detoxification response, Antioxidant response, Oxidative damage | Limited inhibition of hsp70 release, No difference in hsp90 or FABP transcripts, Almost no difference in CYP, GST, SULT, SOD, CAT, GPx transcripts, No difference in CAT, GST, GPx, G6PDH, and MDA activities | Lima et al., 2018 |
C. brasiliana | Phe (DMSO) | Detoxification response, Antioxidant response | Reduced CYP and GSTΩ transcripts, Increased SOD, CAT, GST activity, Reduced GR activity | Lima et al., 2019 |
C. tulipa | Pyr (DMSO) | Detoxification response, Histology | Increased CYP, GST, SULT transcripts, EROD, MGST activity in gills Elevated numbers of mucous cells in mantle, Digestive tubular atrophy | Zacchi et al., 2019 |
M. gigas | Pyr (DMSO) | Detoxification response, Histology | Increased MGST activity in gills, Digestive tubular atrophy | dos Reis et al., 2020 |
M. gigas | Pyr, Flu (cyclohexane) | Immune response | Reduction in phagocytotic activity, No change non-specific esterase cell%, No change lysosome presence, Decreased hemocyte mortality | Bado-Nilles et al., 2008 |
S. glomerata | Pyr + Fla (contaminated rice flour) | Detoxification response, Immune response, Cell maintenance | Upregulation of laccase 1-like protein, carbonyl reductase, cytochrome p450 proteins Downregulation of aldo-keto reductase, B10-like, GST pi-class proteins | Ertl et al., 2016 |
M. gigas | PAH mixture—10 species (acetone) | Gamete health, Fertilization, Larval development | Fewer motile sperm, Reduced sperm swimming speed, Reduced linearity in swimming, Reduced fertilization success Delayed larval development | Jeong and Cho, 2005 |
M. gigas | PAH mixture—10 species (acetone) | Feeding, Metabolism | Reduced clearance rate, Reduced food absorption efficiency, Increased respiration rate, Increased ammonia excretion, No change in oxygen consumption vs ammonia excretion ratio, Reduced energy available for growth | Jeong and Cho, 2007 |
C. virginica | PAH mixture—24 species (DMSO) | Lysosomes | Lysosomal destabilization | Hwang et al., 2008 |
M. gigas | Diesel oil (WSF) | Immune response | No significant changes | Bado-Nilles et al., 2008 |
M. gigas | Heavy fuel oil (WSF) | Immune response | Reduction in phagocytotic activity, Decreased hemocyte mortality | Bado-Nilles et al., 2008 |
C. virginica | Crude oil from existing slick—Deepwater Horizon (DWH) (HEWAF), Dispersant corexit, Crude oil + dispersant (CEWAF) | Fertilization, Embryogenesis, Larval development | Gamete abnormality, Reduced fertilization success, Embryo abnormality, Reduced shell length, Extruded and granulated tissue, Mortality | Vignier et al., 2015 |
C. virginica | DWH oil slick (HEWAF), Dispersant Corexit, Crude oil + dispersant (CEWAF) | Larval development, Larval health and survival, Larval settlement | Reduced shell length, Starvation, sudden shell retraction, Narcosis, Mortality, Reduced settlement success | Vignier et al., 2016 |
C. virginica | DWH oil slick (HEWAF), Dispersant Corexit, Crude oil + dispersant (CEWAF) | Sperm viability, Fertilization, Sperm health and metabolism, Oxidative activity, | No change in survivorship or viability, Reduced fertilization success, Drop in mitochondrial membrane potential (increased metabolism), Increased acrosomal integrity, Reduced ROS activity | Volety et al., 2016 |
C. virginica | DWH oil slick (HEWAF) | Juvenile survival, Feeding, Histology, Tissue condition, Hemocyte health, Oxidative damage | No difference in mortality, Reduced clearance rate, starvation, Increased digestive tubule luminal surface area, digestive tubule atrophy and necrosis, prevalence of dilated lumens with reduced epithelial height, ulcers, hemocyte diapedesis in stomach and labial palps, Elevated numbers of hypertrophic mucous cells and mucus in alimentary tract, hyperplasia, Hemocyte apoptosis, Syncytia, Inflammation, Insignificant differences in lipid peroxidation | Vignier et al., 2018 |
C. virginica | DWH oil slick (HEWAF), Dispersant Corexit, Crude oil + dispersant (algae) | Larval development, Larval survival | Larval abnormality, Stunted growth, Mortality | Vignier et al., 2019 |
C. virginica | Crude oil—MC252 (mixed), Crude oil + SlickGone dispersant (CEWAF) | Juvenile survival Shell growth | Mortality, Reduced shell height | Schrandt et al., 2018 |
M. gigas | Crude oil—Brut Arabian Light (HEWAF), Dispersant FINASOL, Crude oil + dispersant (CEWAF) | Antioxidant response, Lysosomes, Histology | Increased laccase-type phenoloxidase, SOD activities, Lysosomal enlargement, Lipofuscin accumulation, Reduced neutral lipid content, Digestive tubule atrophy | Luna-Acosta et al., 2017 |
This non-exhaustive list provides a collection of common end points used to study chemical toxicity and some of the effects of the contaminants that may manifest in a less controlled setting.