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. 2021 Sep 10;15:720596. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.720596


Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients.

Patients Onset age, y Sex Seizure type Seizure frequency Duration, m
Initial AED Maintenance Dose, mg Seizure controlled
Enrollment Follow-up
1 6.95 F FS with PA Four episodes 8.9 22.6 LEV 1000 Y
2 4.64 M Focal to bilateral TCS Three episodes 9.7 22.9 VPA 750 N
3 7.93 F Focal to bilateral TCS Weekly 4.6 15.8 LEV 1750 N
4 4.43 M FS with IA Four episodes 10.9 20.3 LEV 750 Y
5 9.65 F Focal to bilateral TCS One episode 5.6 14.7 LEV 750 N
6 9.46 M Focal to bilateral TCS Two episodes 6.1 24.4 LEV 1000 N
7 8.89 M Focal to bilateral TCS Three episodes 0.5 9.3 OXC 450 Y
8 8.25 F FS with PA Two episodes 5.7 16.5 OXC 600 N
9 7.23 F FS with IA Two episodes 9.5 25.1 LEV 1250 N
10 9.60 F FS with IA Three episodes 7.7 16.6 OXC 750 N
11 7.18 M Focal to bilateral TCS Two episodes 1.3 11.9 VPA 500 Y
12 8.93 M FS with PA Four episodes 14.5 28.7 LEV 1500 Y
13 5.15 F FS with IA Four episodes 4.5 15.5 OXC 450 Y
14 7.30 F FS with PA Two episodes 0.8 13.4 LEV 1000 Y
15 6.21 M Focal to bilateral TCS Three episodes 5.7 17.3 OXC 600 N

F, female; M, male; FS, focal seizures; PA, preserved awareness; IA, impaired awareness; TCS, tonic-clonic seizures; AED, antiepileptic drug; LEV, levetiracetam; VPA, valproic acid; OXC, oxcarbazepine; Y, yes; N, no.