Phylogenetic distribution of ST5 (SSS) sialic acid transporters in bacteria. Phylogeny of ST5 (SSS) sialic acid transporters at the phylum level. Coloured branches represent three major clades, the historical SiaT clade (pink), the SiaX clade (blue) including both Neu5Ac and putative anhydro-Neu5Ac transporters (asterisk), and the clade of SiaF proteins (green) representing a novel fusion between sialic acid transporter and mutarotase. A fourth group of uncharacterized transporters (grey), including one from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, is addressed in Discussion. Experimentally characterized transporters are highlighted on the tree with a green circle; the red arrowhead indicates the examples shown in Fig. S7 of associated nan sialocatabolic genes (occurring in clusters or at separate loci). SiaT is distributed widely across several bacterial phyla, whereas SiaX is restricted to the Firmicutes with isolated exceptions, and SiaF occurs near-exclusively across Bacteroides and Planctomycetes/Verrucomicrobia. The maximum-likelihood tree was inferred from SSS transporter proteins (n=354) residing within a nan cluster containing at least one sialocatabolic nan gene. The scale bar represents the number of substitutions per amino acid position.