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. 2021 Sep 9;6(3):e21356. doi: 10.2196/21356

Table 4.

Characteristics of the respondents who were eligible and interested to participate in StopDia, by communication channel (n=8079).

Communication channel Total (n=8079), n (%) Men, n (%; 95% CIa) Age (years), mean (SD) Low or middle education, n (%; 95% CIa)
Workplace 1641 (20.31) 163 (9.93; 8.58-11.48) 51 (9) 384 (23.82; 21.81-25.96)
Social media and internet 1819 (22.51) 399 (22; 20.09-23.89) 50 (11) 704 (39.55; 37.30-41.84)
Newspaper 1595 (19.74) 363 (22.76; 20.77-24.88) 55 (11) 578 (36.84; 34.49-39.25)
Relative or friend 1353 (16.74) 465 (34.37; 31.88-36.94) 55 (11) 602 (44.89; 42.25-47.56)
Health care 1069 (13.23) 260 (24.32; 21.84-26.98) 54 (11) 485 (45.84; 42.86-48.85)
StopDia 544 (6.73) 147 (27; 23.5-31.0) 56 (10) 205 (38.7; 34.6-42.9)
Radio or television 487 (6.03) 128 (26.3; 22.6-30.4) 58 (9) 221 (45.8; 41.4-50.2)
Pharmacy 287 (3.55) 61 (21.7; 17.3-26.9) 54 (11) 105 (36.7; 31.3-42.4)
NGOb 222 (2.74) 56 (25.2; 20.0-31.3) 53 (13) 89 (40.3; 34.0-46.9)
Event 149 (1.84) 27 (18.1; 12.8-25.1) 58 (10) 49 (33.3; 26.2-41.3)
Other 121 (1.49) 23 (19; 13.0-26.9) 53 (8) 29 (27.6; 20.0-36.9)
Multiple channelsc 1084 (13.41) 248 (22.89; 20.51-25.50) 53 (11) 400 (37.31; 34.47-40.25)
All 8079 (100.00) 1815 (22.47; 21.58-23.40) 53 (11) 3003 (37.85; 36.79-38.92)

aBinomial variable CIs were calculated using the Wilson method.

bNGO: nongovernmental organization.

cRespondents could select multiple communication channels and were included in all mentioned categories.