Figure 22.
Use of DNA for reversible structural control of dynamic supramolecular DNA–polymer nanostructures. (A) Construction of DNA programmed nanotubes through a rolling circle amplification process.98 Reproduced with permission from ref (98). Copyright 2012 the Royal Society of Chemistry. (B) Schematic illustration of the assembly of dynamic nanotubes with hydrophobic pockets.193 Adapted with permission from ref (193). Copyright 2018 John Wiley and Sons. (C) The construction and denaturation of the cube with eight amphiphiles after cross-linking.166 Adapted with permission from ref (166). Copyright 2018 Springer Nature. (D) Schematic presentation for the kinetic micellization of DNA6-mer-b-PS8.5kDa and subsequent reversible micelle morphological changes.125 Adapted with permission from ref (125). Copyright 2015 the Royal Society of Chemistry.