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. 2021 Aug 2;11(3):1187–1196. doi: 10.3233/JPD-212562

Table 1.

Characterization of AD tau preparations. Descriptive information related to the cases of AD PHFs tau prepared for these studies. PMI, postmortem interval

Case Age Sex PMI (hours) Total protein (μg/μL) Tau (μg/μL) Tau (%protein) α-Syn (μg/mL) Aβ 1–40 (ng/mL) Aβ 1–42 (ng/mL)
AD Case 1 73 F 4 8.3 2.6 31.3 0.7 31.2 111.4
AD Case 2 62 M 12 8.7 1.4 16.1 0.5 53.7 60.1