Health-related data. A) Average daytime activity over the course of 5 days. A repeated measures ANOVA for daytime activity indicated an interaction of day and ASO (F(1.703,34.060) = 3.550, p < 0.05), where Scramble animals decreased their daytime activity over the week, but ASO animals increased. No main effect of PFF (p = 0.867), ASO (p = 0.705), or PFF by ASO interaction (p = 0.189) were detected. B) Average nighttime activity over the course of 6 nights. A repeated measures ANOVA for nighttime activity suggested a similar pattern. Scramble animals showed a significant decrease in activity over nights (Effect of night, p = 0.005), whereas ASO animals did not (no effect of night, p = 0.639). No effect of PFF (p = 0.665), ASO (p = 0.848), or PFF by ASO interaction (p = 0.324) were detected. C) Body weights were recorded weekly beginning at the first round of behavioral testing. Prior to ASO delivery, a repeated-measures ANOVA showed that all animals increased in body weight over time (F(3.229,96.862) = 122.880, p < 0.001) with no group differences in weight. Following ASO delivery, ASO animals showed a steady decline in body weight over time (F(3.613,104.777) = 16.093, p < 0.001), and an overall reduced body weight compared to Scramble animals (F(1,29) = 7.952, p < 0.001). D) Food intake was recorded over a 5-day period. Food was weighed in the morning (∼8:00 AM) and the evening (∼17:00 PM) to approximate nighttime and daytime food intake. A 2-way ANOVA revealed no group differences in daytime food intake, but did show a main effect of ASO for nighttime food intake (F(1,26) = 5.297, p < 0.05). E) Schematic of the control experiment to assess specificity of the ASO. C57Bl/6NJ (WT-NJ) and αsyn knock out mice (KO) were injected with the ASO construct, and compared against WT-NJ mice injected with scramble. F) A repeated measures ANOVA indicated a significant time by ASO interaction (F(16,88) = 6.079, p = 0.0001) and main effect of ASO (F(2,11) = 19.03, p = 0.0003), suggesting off-target effects. Data presented as group averages±SEM; individual points are individual animals. *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001.; &p < 0.05, Time*ASO.