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. 2021 Sep 23;11(9):e051885. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051885

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of Veterans in the urban and nature hiking groups

Characteristic Total (n=26) Nature (n=13) Urban (n=13)
N or mean % or SD N or mean % or SD N or mean % or SD
Age (years)
 <30 2 8 1 8 1 8
 30–39 5 19 2 15 3 23
 40–49 6 23 4 31 2 15
 50–59 11 42 6 46 5 38
>60 2 8 0 0 2 15
 Male 19 73 8 62 11 85
 Female 7 27 5 38 2 15
 Asian/Pacific Islander, NH 3 12 2 15 1 8
 Black, NH 2 8 0 0 2 15
 Hispanic 3 12 1 8 2 15
 Native American, NH 2 8 0 0 2 15
 Other 1 4 0 0 1 7.7
 White, NH 15 58 10 77 5 38
Marital status
 Single, never married 4 15 3 23 1 8
 Married currently 14 54 7 54 7 54
 Separated/divorced 8 31 3 23 5 38
 High school degree or equivalent 4 15 1 8 3 23
 Some college, no degree 10 38 7 54 3 23
 Associate degree 4 15 1 8 3 23
 Bachelor’s degree 4 15 2 15 2 15
 Masters, doctorate or professional degree 4 15 2 15 2 15
Annual household income
 US$25 000–US$49 999 7 27 4 31 3 23
 US$50 000–US$74 999 11 42 4 31 7 54
 US$75 000–US$99 999 2 8 1 8 1 8
 US$100 000 or more 4 15 3 23 1 8
 Prefer not to answer 2 8 1 8 1 8
Employment status
 Full time 12 46 6 46 6 46
 Part time 1 4 1 8 0 0
 Not employed (disabled, retired, not looking for work, homemaker, other) 13 50 6 46 7 54
Highest military rank
 Enlisted (E1–E4) 9 35 4 31 5 38
 Non-commissioned officer (E5–E9) 15 58 8 62 7 54
 Officer (O1–O4) 2 8 1 8 1 8
VA disability rating*†*
 No rating 2 8 0 0 2 15
 30%–60% 2 8 2 15 0 0
 70%–90% 8 31 4 31 4 31
 100% 12 46 6 46 6 46
Self-reported health
 Excellent/very good 9 35 3 23 6 45
 Good 11 42 7 54 4 31
 Fair (no one reported poor) 6 23 3 23 3 23
PCL-5 score‡
 Mean, SD 47.1 10.9 46.0 11.4 48.2 10.8
Served in combat (yes) 17 65 8 62 9 69
Combat Exposure Score; mean (SD)*†* 16.6 7.9 15.6 8.2 17.7 7.9
Patient Health Questionnaire-8 score**
 <10 (no depression) 8 32 4 33 4 31
 10–19 (major depression) 14 56 7 58 7 54
>20 (severe major depression) 3 12 1 8 2 15
Physical activity level
 Low 8 31 5 38 3 23
 Moderate 3 12 1 8 2 15
 High 15 58 7 54 8 62
Times gone hiking for 1+ hours in last year
 Never 5 19 3 23 2 15
 1–3 9 35 4 31 5 38
 4–6 5 19 2 15 3 23
 7+ 7 27 4 31 3 23
Outdoor/nature-based activity experience
 None (no experience in the outdoors) 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Casual (done some day hiking on maintained trails and car camping) 10 38 5 38 5 38
 Amateur (have experience with backpacking) 11 42 6 46 5 38
 Expert (substantial backcountry experience) 5 19 2 15 3 23

*Missing response for one nature participant.

†Missing response for one urban participant.

‡One person in the nature hiking group had a PCL-5 of 32 (below the eligibility threshold of 33) due to an undetected error in initial scoring.

NH, non-Hispanic; PCL-5, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5.;