Figure 2.
BTZ-mediated induction of immune response in patient-derived multiple myeloma (MM) cells in vitro. A, Flow cytometry–based phagocytosis assay: CFSE human DCs (hDC) from healthy donors were cocultured for 4 hours with BTZ-treated (5 and 10 nmol/L) or untreated Far Red pdMMs. Shown is the fold increase in percentage of double-positive DCs compared with CNT. Error bars are SEM of two independent experiments. ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001 compared with CNT; two-tailed unpaired t test. B, Total autologous BMMCs from patients with multiple myeloma were cultured in the presence or absence of BTZ (5 nmol/L). After 5 days, flow cytometry analysis on CD4+ (n = 4) and CD8+ (n = 6) T cells was performed. Top plot, automatic population separator showing cells clustered based on their immunophenotypes. Bottom plots, boxplots show absolute percentage of T-cell subsets that are significantly increased in the BTZ condition (according to paired Student t test): CD4_EM_CD69het (P = 0.07), CD8_TEMRA_CD69dim (P = 0.04), and total CD8 (P = 0.005).