Table 3.
Unit Root Test Results
Variable | At Level | At First Difference | Order of Stationarity (Decision) |
Life Expectancy | −3.539542** (2.573784) | NA | I(0) |
Death Rate | 3.507570** (−2.573784) | −6.464770** (−1.942035) | I(1) |
Mortality | −2.103034*** (−1.942035) | I(1) | |
Gross Domestic Product | 0.716322*** (−1.942035) | −57.44254* (−1.942035) | I(2) |
Health Expenditure | 0.501232*** (−1.942035) | −61.20754** (−1.942035) | I(2) |
HIV | 1.005646 (−85.79524) | −1.942035** (−1.942035) | I(2) |
Notes: The values in without parenthesis are the augmented dickey Fuller test-statistic values and the values in parentheses in columns 2nd and 3rd are Test-statistic critical values. Values in parentheses in column 4rth are order of stationarity *10% level of significance. **5% significance. ***1% level of significance. The values in parenthesis are representing standard errors.