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. 2021 Sep 25;62:151502. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2021.151502

Table 5.

Effects of sociodemographic variables, practice, work environment, job satisfaction, preparedness and concerns on Anxiety, Depression, and Stress during the COVID-19 pandemic (N = 1505).

Variables Anxiety



aOR 95% C.I. p-value aOR 95% C.I. p-value aOR 95% C.I. p-value
 Female 1.30 0.69–2.44 0.413 0.84 0.46–1.54 0.566 1.18 0.59–2.37 0.641
Age in years
 20–29 years 2.14 1.05–4.37 0.037 1.44 0.71–2.91 0.313 3.97 1.62–9.78 0.003
 30–39 years 1.62 0.86–3.05 0.139 1.22 0.67–2.23 0.513 3.19 1.41–7.22 0.005
 40–49 years 1.81 0.95–3.44 0.072 1.34 0.73–2.46 0.350 2.72 1.19–6.25 0.018
 50–59 years 1.36 0.69–2.69 0.378 0.77 0.40–1.50 0.444 1.11 0.45–2.77 0.822
 60+ years Ref.
Marital Status
 Single 1.01 0.62–1.63 0.974 1.10 0.67–1.83 0.703 1.11 0.65–1.91 0.699
 Divorced/Separated/Widowed 1.35 0.81–2.24 0.245 1.77 1.06–2.95 0.028 1.65 0.91–2.98 0.097
 Married Ref.
Highest Degree
 Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) 3.95 1.70–9.19 0.001 2.47 1.03–5.94 0.043 4.32 1.58–11.79 0.004
 Associate Degree in Nursing
1.43 0.69–2.98 0.341 1.12 0.54–2.34 0.759 1.17 0.50–2.75 0.716
 Bachelors (BSN) 1.12 0.55–2.26 0.760 1.18 0.59–2.38 0.643 1.44 0.65–3.22 0.371
 Higher (MS, PhD, DNP) Ref.
 RN (ADN, Diploma, BSN) 2.33 0.99–5.47 0.053 2.73 1.15–6.48 0.023 3.18 1.13–8.98 0.029
 Other (LPN & Advanced Practice) Ref.
Concerns in worsening pre-exiting mental health conditions due to the pandemic
 No 1.22 0.80–1.85 0.351 1.07 0.69–1.66 0.748 1.10 0.67–1.81 0.699
 Yes 5.35 3.62–7.91 0.000 5.45 3.65–8.14 0.000 5.48 3.53–8.49 0.000
 No mental health condition Ref.
Job satisfaction
 Unsatisfied/very unsatisfied 2.38 1.54–3.69 0.000 4.24 2.77–6.48 0.000 3.48 2.20–5.50 0.000
 Satisfied/very satisfied Ref.
Number of COVID-19 cases with direct contact at the facility
 Zero Ref.
 1–5 1.54 1.00–2.37 0.051 1.46 0.95–2.25 0.084 1.47 0.91–2.38 0.116
 6–10 2.14 1.24–3.70 0.006 2.17 1.26–3.75 0.005 2.19 1.20–4.00 0.010
 11 or more 3.27 2.01–5.33 0.000 1.92 1.16–3.18 0.012 2.22 1.28–3.84 0.004
 Completely/somewhat unprepared 1.69 1.19–2.42 0.004 1.72 1.20–2.46 0.003 1.82 1.24–2.69 0.002
 Completely/somewhat prepared Ref.
Fear of being infected at work
 Worried/extremely worried 1.94 1.26–2.99 0.003 1.92 1.22–3.03 0.005 1.90 1.16–3.14 0.011
 Not worried/not worried at all Ref.
Fear of infecting family members
 Worried/extremely worried 1.01 0.62–1.67 0.956 0.84 0.51–1.40 0.505 0.90 0.51–1.60 0.723
 Not worried/not worried at all Ref.

aOR: adjusted Odds Ratios, CI: Confidence Interval. Ref. = reference category. Model adjusted for income, and working setting.