Stage One: Problem Identification – Process Initiation |
i) Review situation at RAC, review and implement university APA |
AC to add to agenda, RAC |
ii) Prepare R/P plan, daily additional assessment form (to match R/P plan objectives) |
PD and SD and/or ASP |
iii) Determine preceptors and confirm |
PD and/or SD |
iv) +/- request to PGME for funding if applicable and resident needs extra supervision |
PD or SD and PC |
v) Communicate with resident (cc AA) to arrange meeting re next steps, supports. |
PD or SD |
Stage Two: Finalize Plan & Support Process |
i) Send plan to EAB and revise as needed |
PD |
ii) Share revisions with RAC |
PD |
iii) Review final plan with resident; have them initial each page and sign 2 copies. Provide copy to resident. Provide resident with Information Package for Residents on Remediation or Probation*. |
PD or SD |
iv) Signed plan to PC |
PD or SD |
v) Signed plan to PGME with a copy to the resident’s file |
PC |
Stage Three: Working with Preceptor/Team & Resident Follow-up |
i)Send a copy of the final plan + assessment form(s) + meeting template to preceptor(s), AA, SD and SC +/- ASP if they are involved in the plan. |
PD or SD and PC |
ii)Send the Information Package for Preceptors** to the preceptors. |
PD or SD and PC |
iii) If changes to schedule required (e.g. temporary hold or extra supervision on call) send information to those in charge of the call schedule and notify preceptor(s) on call. |
PC and/or SC |
iv) Ask preceptors to arrange clinical work and workflow as they see fit to ensure direct observation |
PD or SD |
v) If applicable to support other residents, inform locum organizer re: clinical coverage needs |
PD or SD and/or PC or SC |
vi) Ask preceptor and relevant administrative assistants to block time in calendars for meetings as outlined in the R/P Plan (e.g. with PD, SD, AA, preceptors) |
PD or SD and/or PC or SC |
vii) Ask resident to review plan with preceptors on day one and to schedule meeting times as outlined in the R/P plan (e.g. with preceptor, AA, PD, SD) |
PD or SD and Resident |
vi) Plan phone call or meeting with preceptor(s) to review R/P (see checklist below for items to cover) |
PD or SD |
Stage Four: During the rotation/experience |
i) Resident to summarize meetings with preceptors and PD/SD as soon as possible after the meeting and send summaries by password protected email to PD and SD and PC |
Resident and PC |
ii) Preceptors to keep additional assessment forms and email (password protected) or arrange for secure pick-up |
Preceptor to send and PD or SD and PC to ensure they are receiving these |
iii) Set assessment system to send interim and final ITARS as per plan |
PC and AC |
iv) Email preceptor if ITARs and/or meeting records (from preceptor, AA, PD and/or SD) are not received within 2 days of timeline |
PC |
Stage Five: Outcome Management |
i) Review outcome at RAC, ensure AA is informed of outcome |
ii) Inform PGEC of outcome |
AD |
iii) Outcome document to EAB |
PD or SD and PC |
iv) Outcome letter to Post Grad Associate Dean |
AD or PD |