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. 2021 Sep 14;12(4):121–126. doi: 10.36834/cmej.72735
Workflow Stage Who oversees Completed (date) Comments
Stage One: Problem Identification – Process Initiation
i) Review situation at RAC, review and implement university APA AC to add to agenda, RAC
ii) Prepare R/P plan, daily additional assessment form (to match R/P plan objectives) PD and SD and/or ASP
iii) Determine preceptors and confirm PD and/or SD
iv) +/- request to PGME for funding if applicable and resident needs extra supervision PD or SD and PC
v) Communicate with resident (cc AA) to arrange meeting re next steps, supports. PD or SD
Stage Two: Finalize Plan & Support Process
i) Send plan to EAB and revise as needed PD
ii) Share revisions with RAC PD
iii) Review final plan with resident; have them initial each page and sign 2 copies. Provide copy to resident. Provide resident with Information Package for Residents on Remediation or Probation*. PD or SD
iv) Signed plan to PC PD or SD
v) Signed plan to PGME with a copy to the resident’s file PC
Stage Three: Working with Preceptor/Team & Resident Follow-up
i)Send a copy of the final plan + assessment form(s) + meeting template to preceptor(s), AA, SD and SC +/- ASP if they are involved in the plan. PD or SD and PC
ii)Send the Information Package for Preceptors** to the preceptors. PD or SD and PC
iii) If changes to schedule required (e.g. temporary hold or extra supervision on call) send information to those in charge of the call schedule and notify preceptor(s) on call. PC and/or SC
iv) Ask preceptors to arrange clinical work and workflow as they see fit to ensure direct observation PD or SD
v) If applicable to support other residents, inform locum organizer re: clinical coverage needs PD or SD and/or PC or SC
vi) Ask preceptor and relevant administrative assistants to block time in calendars for meetings as outlined in the R/P Plan (e.g. with PD, SD, AA, preceptors) PD or SD and/or PC or SC
vii) Ask resident to review plan with preceptors on day one and to schedule meeting times as outlined in the R/P plan (e.g. with preceptor, AA, PD, SD) PD or SD and Resident
vi) Plan phone call or meeting with preceptor(s) to review R/P (see checklist below for items to cover) PD or SD
Stage Four: During the rotation/experience
i) Resident to summarize meetings with preceptors and PD/SD as soon as possible after the meeting and send summaries by password protected email to PD and SD and PC Resident and PC
ii) Preceptors to keep additional assessment forms and email (password protected) or arrange for secure pick-up Preceptor to send and PD or SD and PC to ensure they are receiving these
iii) Set assessment system to send interim and final ITARS as per plan PC and AC
iv) Email preceptor if ITARs and/or meeting records (from preceptor, AA, PD and/or SD) are not received within 2 days of timeline PC
Stage Five: Outcome Management
i) Review outcome at RAC, ensure AA is informed of outcome RAC/AC
ii) Inform PGEC of outcome AD
iii) Outcome document to EAB PD or SD and PC
iv) Outcome letter to Post Grad Associate Dean AD or PD