Fig. 3. Comparison of in vivo fluorescence imaging of mice in 900–1000 and 1000–1100 nm.
a The emission spectrum of PEGylated 1100-PbS/CdS QDs in water. b The integrated emission intensity of PEGylated 1100-PbS/CdS QDs in water. The value of the ordinate represents the integrated emission intensity between 900 nm and the ordinate corresponding wavelength. The value difference on the ordinate represents the total emission intensity in the corresponding spectral (abscissa) range. c The absorbance of water within 800–1200 nm38. The whole-body imaging of the same mouse in (d) 900–1000 nm and (e) 1000–1100 nm. f Cross-sectional fluorescence intensity profiles along the indigo lines of the blood vessel in (d, e). The numbers show the SBRs. The hind limb imaging of the same mouse in (g) 900–1000 nm and (h) 1000–1100 nm. i Cross-sectional fluorescence intensity profiles along the indigo lines of the blood vessel in (g, h). The numbers show the SBRs. Scale bars: 10 mm.