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. 2021 Sep 24;12:5645. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26023-2

Table 1.

Statistics of the overall NYU Breast Ultrasound Dataset, internal test set, and reader study set. This dataset was collected from NYU Langone Health over an eight-year period. Exam-level BI-RADS were issued by radiologists based on patients’ breast US exams. Breast densities were determined using existing screening and diagnostic mammography reports. Patients who were not matched with any mammograms were assigned "unknown” for breast density. Abbreviations: N, number; SD, standard deviation.

Characteristic, unit Overall Internal test set Reader study
Patients, N 143,203 25,003 644
 Age, mean years (SD) 53.7 (13.7) 55.5 (12.7) 52.8 (14.0)
 < 40 yrs old, N (%) 18,218 (12.7) 1857 (7.4) 90 (14.0)
 40 − 49 years old, N (%) 33,955 (23.7) 5811 (23.2) 175 (27.2)
 50 − 59 years old, N (%) 34,942 (24.4) 6567 (26.3) 146 (22.7)
 60 − 69 years old, N (%) 26,671 (18.6) 5198 (20.8) 104 (16.1)
 ≥70 years old, N (%) 17,703 (12.4) 3359 (13.4) 81 (12.6)
Exams, N 288,767 44,755 663
 Images, N 5,442,907 858,636 13,582
 Average no. of images per exam, N 18 19 20
 Exams associated with biopsy, N (%) 28,914 (10.0) 8337 (18.6) 587 (88.5)
Breasts, N 510,271 79,156 1024
 Breasts with benign findings, N 26,843 7879 567
 Breasts with malignant findings, N 5593 1324 73
Exam-level BI-RADS
 BI-RADS 0, N (%) 14,078 (4.9) 1092 (2.4) 80 (12.1)
 BI-RADS 1, N (%) 86,347 (29.9) 12,374 (27.6) 56 (8.4)
 BI-RADS 2, N (%) 136,322 (47.2) 21,675 (48.4) 80 (12.1)
 BI-RADS 3, N (%) 27,711 (9.6) 3586 (8.0) 25 (3.8)
 BI-RADS 4, N (%) 22,133 (7.7) 5578 (12.5) 391 (59.0)
 BI-RADS 5, N (%) 1348 (0.5) 338 (0.8) 22 (3.3)
 BI-RADS 6, N (%) 518 (0.2) 69 (0.2) 3 (0.5)
 Unknown BI-RADS, N (%) 310 (0.1) 43 (0.1) 6 (0.9)
Exam-level mammographic density
 A (breasts are almost entirely fatty), N (%) 5384 (1.9) 695 (1.6) 13 (2.0)
 B (scattered areas of fibroglandular density), N (%) 69,948 (24.2) 11,048 (24.7) 143 (21.6)
 C (breasts are heterogeneously dense), N (%) 165,855 (57.4) 26,509 (59.2) 376 (56.7)
 D (the breasts are extremely dense), N (%) 31,829 (11.0) 5189 (11.6) 76 (11.5)
 Unknown density, N (%) 15,751 (5.5) 1314 (2.9) 55 (8.3)