Fig. 6.
Doxycycline does not change the amount of detergent-insoluble PrP. (A) Brain extracts from mice sacrificed at the end of the treatment (249 ± 9 days of age) were centrifuged at 18,000 xg for 2 min. The pellet (P0) was recovered and the supernatant was ultracentrifuged at 186,000 x g for 45 min. PrP in each fraction [final supernatant (S), first (P0) and second (P) pellets] was analyzed by western blot using the monoclonal antibody 6D11. (B) PrP in the different fractions was quantified by densitometry and expressed as a percentage of the total. No significant differences in the distribution of PrP in the S, P and P0 fractions were found between vehicle- and doxy-treated Tg(FFI-26) mice. Data are the mean ± SEM of 3–5 replicate experiments using brains from 2 to 4 mice for each genotype/treatment.