Steady-state kinetic analysis of dCTP insertion by hpol η.A, 14-mer primer and 19-mer DNA template sequences, where X is dG or N2-dG-15-mer or 36-mer peptide cross-link. Reactions were done using hpol η: B, 0.75 nM; C, 0.75 nM and D, 1 nM. Varying concentrations of dCTP were used (0.5–40 μM). All reactions were carried out in duplicate at 37 °C for 5 min. Data points are shown as means ± SD. See Table 1 for kcat and Km values (fit to a hyperbolic equation in Prism) and Table S1 for the oligonucleotide sequences used. P, FAM-labeled 14-mer DNA primer.