Structural features of the class I RNR β subunits.A, core four-helix bundle implicated in metal binding and/or radical cofactor assembly (white) and B, auxiliary helices (cyan). C, topology diagram showing the locations of amino acids in class Ia RNR important for metal-binding, Tyr• formation, or radical translocation. D, metal-binding site in FeII2-β of class Ia RNR (PDB accession code 1PIY). Selected amino acids shown in stick format and FeII ions shown as green spheres. Coordination interactions or hydrogen bonds shown as dashed lines. E, a sequence alignment showing conservation of important metal-binding (cyan) or radical formation sites (orange) in all known class I RNR subclasses. Amino acids important for oxidant access and suppression of Tyr• formation in class Id RNR are shown in boldface and highlighted in yellow.