Figure 2.
Plk1 depletion increases eye-to-eye distances, independently of replicated fraction of DNA fibers. Sperm nuclei (2000 nuclei/μl) were incubated for different times in mock- (ΔM, dark grey) or Plk1-depleted (ΔP, blue) Xenopus egg extracts in the presence of Biotin-dUTP. (A) Eye-to-eye distance distribution (n = 77–1151) and (B) eye length distribution (n = 196–2507) (kb) (scatter dot plots with median) of one combing experiment representative of middle and late S phase. All DNA fibers were then grouped together in different bins according to their replicated fraction. Means (n = 51–1189) with SEM of (C) fork density (kb–1) and (D) eye-to-eye distances (kb), calculated for the different bins of replicated fractions of all fibers. * indicates significant difference (Mann–Whitney U test, two-sided, P< 0.05: P-values: * 0.01–0.05; ** 0.001–0.01; *** 0.0001–0.001; ****<0.0001).