Table 4.
Guidelines to implement antimicrobial stewardship for treatment of H. pylori infections
Therapies must be optimized to reliably achieve high cure rates. |
Optimization should include information regarding the effects of resistance to the different components and should be confirmed when used in a different region. |
Surveillance of treatment success should be instituted. This should include tests of cure and, preferably, with susceptibility testing available for treatment failures. |
Treatment of H. pylori should be integrated with ongoing or planned prescription and treatment monitoring programs utilized for other bacterial infections. |
Data from sites where culture and susceptibility testing and/or molecular testing are done locally should be published and kept up to date. |
Susceptibility testing should be reimbursed as for other bacterial pathogens and the results data should be submitted to local and central repositories responsible for monitoring resistance among bacterial pathogens. |
To avoid unethical studies, studies should adhere to the guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America regarding conduct of superiority and organism-specific clinical trials of antibacterial agents for the treatment of infections caused by drug-resistant bacterial pathogens. |
From reference 4 with permission.