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. 2021 Sep 26;2021(9):CD013092. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013092.pub2

2. Excluded reviews: reasons for exclusion.

Review Title Reason for exclusion
Agha 2014 Interventions to reduce and prevent obesity in pre‐conceptual and pregnant women: a systematic review and meta‐analysis No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Allen 2009 Provision of multiple rather than two or fewer micronutrients more effectively improves growth and other outcomes in micronutrient‐deficient children and adults Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Ashman 2017 The effectiveness of nutrition interventions for pregnant indigenous women: a systematic review No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Athe 2014 Impact of iron‐fortified foods on Hb concentration in children (< 10 years): a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Athe 2020 Meta‐analysis approach on iron fortification and its effect on pregnancy and its outcome through randomized, controlled trials Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Bairwa 2017 Directly observed iron supplementation for control of iron deficiency anemia Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Best 2011 Can multi‐micronutrient food fortification improve the micronutrient status, growth, health, and cognition of schoolchildren? A systematic review Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Brown 2009 Preventive zinc supplementation among infants, preschoolers, and older prepubertal children Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Butler 2006 Oral vitamin B12 versus intramuscular vitamin B12 for vitamin B12 deficiency: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Systematic review included participants with megaloblastic anaemia, which was outside the scope of this overview of reviews
Cancelo‐Hidalgo 2013 Tolerability of different oral iron supplements: a systematic review Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Câmara 2011 The use of games in health education in order to prevent iron deficiency anemia in infancy: the role of the nurse ‐ literature systematic review No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Chang 2018 Safety and tolerability of prescription omega‐3 fatty acids: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials Systematic review included participants with dyslipidaemia, which was outside the scope of this overview of reviews
Da Cunha 2019 Effect of vitamin A supplementation on iron status in humans: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Das 2013b Micronutrient fortification of food and its impact on woman and child health: a systematic review Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
De Barros 2016 Adherence to and acceptability of home fortification with vitamins and minerals in children aged 6 to 23 months: a systematic review No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Dror 2012 Interventions with vitamins B6, B12 and C in pregnancy No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Eaton 2019 Effectiveness of provision of animal‐source foods for supporting optimal growth and development in children 6 to 59 months of age No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Falkingham 2010 The effects of oral iron supplementation on cognition in older children and adults: a systematic review and meta‐analysis No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Fishman 2000 The role of vitamins in the prevention and control anaemia Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Gavaravarapu 2017 Role of education and communication interventions in promoting micronutrient status in India – what research in the last two decades informs Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Ghanchi 2019 Guts, germs, and iron: a systematic review on iron supplementation, iron fortification, and diarrhea in children aged 4‐59 months No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Gera 2007b Effect of iron supplementation on physical performance in children and adolescents: systematic review of randomized controlled trials No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Girard 2012a Nutrition education and counselling provided during pregnancy: effects on maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Girard 2012b The effects of household food production strategies on the health and nutrition outcomes of women and young children: a systematic review Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Guo 2015 Daily iron supplementation on cognitive performance in primary‐school‐aged children with and without anemia: a meta‐analysis No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Gurusamy 2014 Iron therapy in anaemic adults without chronic kidney disease Systematic review included non‐healthy participants, which was outside the scope of this overview of reviews
Haider 2018 The effect of vegetarian diets on iron status in adults: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Kong 2016 Limitations of studies on school‐based nutrition education interventions for obesity in China: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Iannotti 2006 Iron supplementation in early childhood: health benefits and risks Systematic review included high‐risk populations (e.g. participants with HIV, tuberculosis), which was outside the scope of this overview of reviews
Iglesias 2019 Prevalence of anemia in children from Latin America and the Caribbean and effectiveness of nutritional interventions: systematic review and meta‐analysis Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Iqbal 2019 Maternal and neonatal outcomes related to iron supplementation or iron status: a summary of meta‐analyses Overview of systematic reviews
Jackson 2016 Is higher consumption of animal flesh foods associated with better iron status among adults in developed countries? A systematic review Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Lewkowitz 2019 Intravenous compared with oral iron for the treatment of iron‐deficiency anemia in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Lohner 2012 Effect of folate supplementation on folate status and health outcomes in infants, children and adolescents: a systematic review Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Martínez 2020 Efficacy and tolerability of oral iron protein succinylate: a systematic review of three decades of research Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Mayo‐Wilson 2014b Preventive zinc supplementation for children, and the effect of additional iron: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Systematic review published as a Cochrane Review, Mayo‐Wilson 2014a, which has been included in this overview of reviews
McDonagh 2015a Routine iron supplementation and screening for iron deficiency anemia in children ages 6 to 24 months: a systematic review to update the US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
McDonagh 2015b Routine iron supplementation and screening for iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women: a systematic review to update the US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
McDonagh 2015c Screening and routine supplementation for iron deficiency anemia: a systematic review Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Michelazzo 2013 The influence of vitamin A supplementation on iron status Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Middleton 2013 Nutrition interventions and programs for reducing mortality and morbidity in pregnant and lactating women and women of reproductive age: a systematic review Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Middleton 2018 Omega‐3 fatty acid addition during pregnancy No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Miles 2019 Intravenous iron therapy for non‐anaemic, iron‐deficient adults Systematic review included high‐risk populations (not‐healthy participants), which was outside the scope of this overview of reviews
Milne 2009 Protein and energy supplementation in elderly people at risk from malnutrition No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Mirmiran 2012 Iron, iodine and vitamin a in the middle East; a systematic review of deficiency and food fortification Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Oddo 2019 Potential interventions targeting adolescent nutrition in Indonesia: a literature review Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Oh 2020 Vitamin and mineral supplementation during pregnancy on maternal, birth, child health and development outcomes in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Oliveira 2016 Vitamin A supplementation for postpartum women No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Osungbade 2012 Preventive treatments of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy: a review of their effectiveness and implications for health system strengthening Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Pachón 2015 Evidence of the effectiveness of flour fortification programs on iron status and anemia: a systematic review Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Pasricha 2009 Risks of routine iron and folic acid supplementation for young children No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Pasricha 2014 Iron supplementation benefits physical performance in women of reproductive age: a systematic review and meta‐analysis No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Sachdev 2005 Effect of iron supplementation on mental and motor development in children: systematic review of randomised controlled trials No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Sguassero 2012 Community‐based supplementary feeding for promoting the growth of children under five years of age in low and middle income countries No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Shao 2019 The efficacy of ferumoxytol for iron deficiency anemia: a meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials Systematic review included high‐risk populations (cancer patients), which was outside the scope of this overview of reviews
Smith 2017 Modifiers of the effect of maternal multiple micronutrient supplementation on stillbirth, birth outcomes, and infant mortality: a meta‐analysis of individual patient data from 17 randomised trials in low‐income and middle‐income countries No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Sun 2018 Effect of dietary intervention treatment on children with iron deficiency anemia in China: a meta‐analysis Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Szajewska 2010 Effects of iron supplementation in nonanemic pregnant women, infants, and young children on the mental performance and psychomotor development of children: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials No relevant outcomes for anaemia
Tam 2020 Micronutrient supplementation and fortification interventions on health and development outcomes among children under‐five in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results
Vonderheid 2019 A systematic review and meta‐analysis on the effects of probiotic species on iron absorption and iron status Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Xu 2019 Supplementing fortified soybean powder reduced anemia in infants and young children aged 6‐24months Included different trial designs and results have not been presented separately
Yadav 2020 Comparison of different doses of daily iron supplementation for anemia prophylaxis in pregnancy: a systematic review Methodological quality of trials was not assessed, making it difficult to interpret the results