Phylogenetic analysis of L. acidophilus. Phylogenetic tree showing the relationship among 46 L. acidophilus strains with L. gasseri ATCC33323 as outgroup. The tree was grouped into three clades signed by different colors of lines (red represented clade A, blue represented clade B and black represented clade C). The dots represented strains that contained the operon of bacteriocins. In specific, dark purple dots represented Acidocin_J1132_beta_peptide_N-terminal, claret dots represented Bacteriocin_helveticin_J, orange dots Enterolysin_A, mazarine dots Helveticin-J, green dots Lanthipeptide. Additionally, circular dots represented one bacteriocin gene operon while square dots represented two. Orange font represented strains isolated in this study, black represented obtained from NCBI. Pink frames represented strains that contained a complete CRISPR/Cas system. Wathet highlight represented strains contained intact prophage.