The antimicrobial effectiveness of aPDI with Rose Bengal on biofilm culture of S. agalactiae s. III grown in Schaedler medium on polypropylene coupons in the CDC Biofilm Reactor System. The reactor with full-strength broth was inoculated with overnight culture. After 24 h of incubation with mixing, a flow of 5× diluted broth was started and continued for 24 h. Coupons were removed and incubated with an appropriate concentration of RB. Then, the biofilm was washed, suspended in PBS, and illuminated with a 522 nm LED lamp. Coupons were then sonicated. Bacteria were plated, and colonies were enumerated. The detection limit was 2.59 log10 CFU/cm2. The values are the means of three separate experiments. Error bars represent the standard errors.