Figure 3.
The results of principal component analysis of the hypothalamic DEGs of tame versus aggressive rats found in this work in comparison with their known homologous DEGs in domestic animals versus their wild congeners as reported by others. Legend: see the footnote of Table 4 and legend of Figure 1; open circles: all seven single orthologs Eif2b3 (Table 6: row #6), Ghitm (#9), Mre11a (#28), Orai1 (#34), Sh3bgr (#51), Shox2 (#52), and Spint1 (#53) grouped along a dashed line; filled circles: all seven orthologs supported by other homologs Banp (#1 and #2, which support one another in homology), Cd22 (#3 and #4 supporting each other in homology), Nr4a3 (#29 and #30 supported one another in homology as well as by their paralogs in rows ## 31–33), and Hbb-b1 (#10 supported by its paralogs in rows ## 11–14) grouped along a dotted line; grey circles: all the remaining homologs; log2 (this work) and log2 (other works) correspond to columns iii and ix of Table 6; PC1 and PC2: first (major) and second (minor) principal components calculated by means of software package Statistica (StatsoftTM, Tulsa, OK, USA); they are parallel to the dotted and dashed lines, respectively.