Hand1 expression is regulated by Bmp signaling in a dose-dependent manner during mouse heart development. (A–D) Whole-mount in situ hybridization showing Hand1 expression in mouse embryos at E9.5. (E,F) E9.5 sagittal sections showed Hand1 in situ hybridization in the branchial arch and OFT. (G) qRT-PCR analysis of Hand1 expression in control and Bmp2/4 CKO embryos. All genotypes are shown as labeled. B2−/−; B4+/−: Bmp2 homozygous, Bmp4 heterozygous mutants; B2+/−; B4−/−: Bmp4 homozygous, Bmp2 heterozygous mutants; B2−/−; B4-/−: Bmp2/4 dCKO. e, eye; ba, branchial arch; oft, outflow tract. Arrows and arrow heads point out in situ hybridization signals in OFT and SHF. Data are presented as means ± s.e.m. * indicates p-value < 0.05.